Article I – Membership
Section 1. Members- This church is comprised of persons who profess a personal faith and belief in the Lord Jesus Christ, having received baptism in a church according to the New Testament, and actively follow the Lord Jesus Christ in discipleship.
Section 2. Voting Rights of Members – Every member of the minimum age of 15 years of the church is entitled to vote at all elections and on all questions submitted to the church in conference, provided the member is present. Proxy voting is prohibited.
Section 3. Reception – A Person shall be considered a member upon approval of the church membership. A person may be received for membership by any of the following ways:
Section 4. New Membership Orientation – In an effort to fully understand the values and teachings of ChristPoint Community, new and prospective church members will be invited and strongly encouraged to participate in the church’s new member orientation program as developed and implemented by the church. At bear minimum with a member of the pastoral / elder staff at which time personal views will be discussed so that a clear understanding of the beliefs and practices of CPCC will be understood by the member candidate or candidates.
Section 5. Rights of Members – Every member as described in Section 2, of the church is entitled to vote at all elections and on all questions submitted to the church in conference, provided the member is present. Every member of the church is eligible for consideration by the membership as candidates for the elective offices in the church in accordance with scripture. Every member of the church may participate in the ordinances of the church as administered by the church.
Section 6. Termination of Membership – Membership shall be terminated in the following ways (1)death, (2) transfer of letter to another church of like faith and order, (3) when a member has requested termination of his or her membership, (4) exclusion by action of this church in accordance with guidelines set forth in Article I, Section 7 of these bylaws.
Section 7. Discipline- Discipline of church members will be administered in a manner consistent with the scriptural guidance outlined in Matthew 18:15-17. A member may be excluded from the church membership based on the following: 1) upon presentation of clear and convincing evidence in a properly called business meeting that the requirements of Matthew 18:15-17 have been fully met; and 2) a majority vote of the membership present at the meeting votes in favor of exclusion.
Article II – Church Staff and Officers
All church officers and staff must be members of ChristPoint Community Church. The officers of the church shall be Pastorate, Elders, Deacons, Vision Team Members, Trustees, Church Clerk, & Treasurer.
Section 1. Lead Pastor / Pastoral Care Pastor / Administrative Pastor / All Other Appointed Pastorate
The Pastor is responsible for leading the church to function as a New Testament Church, in accordance with Article 1, Section 2. His duties will include, but are not limited to, the following:
The Pastor or the Chairman of Elders or the Vision Team shall preside at all business meetings. The Pastor shall be responsible for the general administration and supervision of the affairs of the Church. In the event of the absence of the Pastor, the Pastoral Care Pastor, Administrative Pastor, or the Chairman of the Vision Team shall perform the Pastor’s administrative duties as approved by the Vision/Leadership Team in the absence of elders.
In the event of a vacancy in the pastorate, a Pastoral Nominating Team comprised of seven Church members in good standing shall be constituted. The Pastor Nominating Team shall be selected as follows:
Section 2 Elders
To be evaluated and considered for inclusion by December 2012. At which time it may also be relevant to amend these bi-laws to reflect such inclusion and any needed changes or update(s).
Section 3 Deacons
The duties and responsibilities of Deacons shall be those prescribed by the New Testament (Acts 6:3, I Timothy 3:8-13). In accordance with the meaning of the work and practice of the New Testament, deacons are to be the servants of the Church. The task of the Deacon is to serve with the Pastor and ministerial staff in performing pastoral ministries; proclaiming the gospel to believers and unbelievers; caring for church members and other persons in the community; leading the Church to engage in a fellowship of worship, witness, educations, ministry, and leading the Church in performing it’s task, aiding in creating real life transformation. Deacons shall be specifically charged with joining the Pastor in administering the Lord’s Supper, keeping the membership enlisted in the full program of the Church, and promoting peace, harmony, and the spirit of cooperation among the membership. They shall be diligent in their attendance at the services and shall manifest at all times full cooperation with Church leadership and the entire programs of the Church. The Church shall follow the guidelines set forth in the Deacon Family Ministry Plan whereby Deacons are assigned individual families for the purposes of ministry and contact. The total number of Active Deacons at any given time shall be proportional to the Church Membership provided that no more than fifteen families may be assigned to the one Deacon at any given time.
Deacons shall be elected for terms of three years on a rotating basis. Terms of one-third of the members shall expire each year, and the election shall be held to fill the vacancies. Members of the Church shall be given the opportunity to submit to the Nominating Team the names of deacon nominations. Nominations shall be submitted to the committee in writing and signed by the Church member making the nomination. Said submissions shall be made each year during the month of September. The Nominating Team shall place in nomination one person to fill each vacancy to be voted upon by the Church in regular conference.
In Case of death, removal, resignation, or incapacity to serve, the Church may elect a deacon to fill the un-expired term. After serving a term of (3) years, a deacon shall be eligible for re-election. Deacons retiring by rotation from active participation shall retain the title of deacon and may be called upon for service at any time. There is no obligation to constitute as an active deacon a deacon who comes to the Church from another Church where he has served as deacon.
The Deacon Body shall elect a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, and Secretary from the elected members of the body for one-year terms at their first regular meeting in January of each year. The election of the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, and Secretary of the Deacon Body shall be by majority vote of those present, and, if more than two are nominated, balloting shall continue until one of the two receiving the highest number of votes shall receive a majority. These elections shall be by secret ballot. The Secretary of the Deacon Body shall be eligible to succeed himself. The Deacon Body, after one week’s notice, by the Secretary, is authorized to fill any vacancies that might occur in the Chairmanship or Vice Chairmanship. In the event of a vacancy of the Secretary, The Chairman shall give at least one-week’s written notice, following which; the Deacon Body shall fill the vacancy. The retiring Chairman shall be entitled to vote on all matters unless his term of office as deacon has expired. The Deacons shall be selected upon a satisfactory examination of biblical qualifications by the Lead Pastor and voted upon by the Church in conference.
Regular meetings of the Deacon Body shall be held once a month. The primary purpose of these meetings will be to uplift one another, hold each other accountable to their noble service, discuss ministry successes, personal evaluation, and ministry planning. The Chairman of the Deacon body shall serve as a member of the leadership/Vision Team, but shall not hold an office other than that of Chairman of the Deacon Body.
Section 4 Trustees
There shall be a total of three (3) trustees each serving a three year term on rotational basis. Trustees are eligible for reelection. Trustees shall be charged with the duty of executing such legal documents as may be required by law and such other documents as they may from time to time be empowered by the Church to do so. At least two trustees must sign any such documents in order to be binding upon the Church.
Section 5 Church Clerk
The Church Clerk shall be the secretary of the meetings of the Church in Conference and shall keep a fair and intelligible record of all such meetings and duty inscribe it in a permanent record book. He/She shall keep a permanent record of the membership, with dates of admission, dismissal, death, or erasure, and record of baptism. He/She shall issue letters of transfer when requested by other churches of like faith and order, unless at the time of the application for transfer the person has been excluded from fellowship of such action. A letter of dismissal may be issued to an individual and to a church of another faith subject to the same conditions. Membership terminates when a letter of transfer of dismissal is issued. He/she shall conduct all correspondence that relates to his/her duties, and perform such other duties as may arise in the execution of his/her clerkship.
Section 6 Treasurer
The treasurer shall receive all monies of the Church from whatever source derived and shall pay or direct to be paid salaries and other items provided for in the current Budget of Expenditures. The Church, Administrative Ministry Team must approve expenditures for any other items. He shall disburse with promptness all monies designated for missions. Designated funds shall be disbursed only in strict accordance with the designation. The treasurer shall not advance payout money not already in hand to the credit of the Church. The Treasurer shall administer the accounting function and financial condition of the Church. He/she shall supervise the preparation of all financial reports of the various Church funds that may be required by the Administrative Ministry Team, Leadership/Vision Team, or the Church. Immediately after the close of the Church year, the Treasurer shall make a written report to the Administration Ministry Team and the Church, of the receipts and disbursements for the preceding year. In the performance of his/her duties, he/she shall have the assistance of such clerical and bookkeeping service as may be required and may delegate day to day administration of the Church finances to the Church Administrator in accordance to the guidelines set forth in Article VII of this document entitled Appropriations and Expenditures.
The Treasurer shall be eligible for three successive terms of one year. At such time that the church appoints an Administrative Pastor the treasurer shall make reports directly to him for the reporting to the Leadership/Vision Team and Elders. The treasurer will then become secretary treasurer working with the Administrative Pastor who will serve as official reporting Treasurer.
In recognition of the individual spiritual gifts bestowed upon us as believers and followers of the Lord Jesus Christ, the following Ministry Action Teams have been established at ChristPoint Community Church as opportunities for Christian growth and grow the Kingdom of our Lord. CPCC believes that creating life transformation and growth will be achieved best through spiritual, economic, and social means through our corporate worship services, training, community service, and activism.
Each Ministry Action Team serves a critical and unique purpose in the life of our church body and is established to further and enhance one or more of the following five core values of CPCC:
All members of Church Ministry Teams shall be recommended by Nominating Team and elected by the Church in conference, unless otherwise indicated. Members of teams shall be elected for the term reflected herein, beginning the first day of January of each year, subject to annual nomination and election. The terms shall be served on a rotating basis meaning that only a portion of the members of teams is elected each year. For example, on a seven-person team with a two-year rotation, four members would be elected one year and three members elected the next year. Members of the Church Ministry Teams must be members of CPCC.
The Pastor, Chairman of Elders, and Chairman of the Leadership (Vision) Team shall be ex-officio members of all ministry teams and committees.
Section 1. Nominating Team
PURPOSE: To prepare a slate of nominees for presentation to the Church body for election, including Elder, Deacon, Trustees, Church Clerk, Treasurer, Personnel, Administrative, and Christian Development Ministry Team Members.
Team Composition: The Nominating Team of five (5) or seven (7) shall be nominated by the Leadership (Vision) Team and presented for election to the membership of the Church in October Church Conference each year, or at other times, as appropriate. The committee, upon election by the Church, will begin its work immediately to fill all the leadership positions in the Church organizations for the coming Church year. The Nominating Team shall select from within its membership a chairman and a secretary. The team shall be expected to meet with each Ministry Team chairperson and Pastor for recommendations and counsel as to the nominations to the ministry teams. The team will strive to submit its report of nominations to the October Church Conference or at any subsequent regular or special conferences as may be necessary.
LENGTH OF SERVICE: One Year with specific noted exceptions
Section 2. Leadership or Vision Team
Purpose: To assist the Pastor in the establishment & implementation of the Church Vision, objectives, & goals.
Team Composition: Appointed by the Pastor and confirmed by a majority vote of the church in Church business meeting. This team is comprised of no more than fifteen 15 church members who are in good standing. The team on an annual basis shall elect a Chairman and Recording Secretary.
Length of Service: Staggered terms of three years.
Core Value(s): Worship, Community, Service
Section 3. Prayer Team
Purpose: To lead the Church in an effective and vibrant prayer ministry
Team Composition: Team is comprised of a group of no less than three church members in good standing with a fervent passion for prayer. The Pastor shall function as the Prayer Team’s primary spiritual advisor. The Team shall elect a Chairperson and Recording Secretary for the team on an annual basis. The Pastor may appoint team members to serve who, in his discretion, have demonstrated a passion for prayer ministry.
Length of Service: 1 year terms with automatic rollover should candidate in good standing if they so desire.
Core Value(s): Worship, Growth, Community, Service
Primary responsibilities include:
Section 4. Administrative Team
Purpose: To provide leadership and accountability in the administration and stewardship of church finances, property, and resources.
Team Composition: Nominated by the nominating team and confirmed by majority vote of the church. The Administrative Team is comprised of a group of no less than three, but no more than five, church members in good standing responsible for the faithful stewardship of church property, finances, and resources. The Pastor and the Church Administrator shall serve as primary advisors and will be Ex-Officio Members of the Administrative Team. The Team will elect a Chairman and Secretary on an annual basis.
Length of Service: Team members will be elected to fill staggered three year terms.
Core Value(s): Worship Growth, Service, Charity
Primary responsibilities include:
Section 5. Christian Development Team
Purpose: To provide leadership in the development of meaningful spiritual educational programs and discipleship training ministry.
Team Composition: Nominated by the Nominating Team and confirmed by majority vote of the church, the Christian Development Team is comprised of a group of no less than three, but no more than five, church members in good standing responsible for the monitoring and development of sound, biblically based Christian education programs and corresponding curriculum. The Pastor will serve as an Ex-Officio Member and The Teaching Pastor will function as the team’s primary advisors. The team will elect a Chairman and recording secretary on an annual basis.
Core Value(s): Growth, Service, Community
Length of Service: Staggered terms of three years
Primary responsibilities include:
Section 6. Missions Team
Purpose: To lead the church in a vibrant mission program that focuses on education, awareness, and participation opportunities for the congregation.
Team Composition: The team is comprised of no less than three church members in good standing and who are responsible for the coordination of the mission efforts of the church. The Pastor and Outreach Team Leader will serve as Ex-Officio Members of the Mission Team. The team members will elect a Chairman and Vice-Chairman on an annual basis. The Pastor may appoint team members to serve who in his discretion have demonstrated a passion for missions ministry.
Core Value(s): Worship, Community, Growth, Service, Charity
Primary responsibilities include:
Section 7. Outreach and Hospitality Team
Purpose: To lead the church in outreach efforts and emphasis in both the community and within the congregation.
Team Composition: The team is comprised of a group of no less than three church members in good standing and who are responsible for the Christian outreach efforts both inside and outside the congregation. The Senior Pastor and Fellowship Team Leader shall serve as Ex-Officio Members of the Outreach Team. The Pastor may appoint team members to serve who in his discretion have demonstrated a passion for outreach and hospitality.
Core Value(s): Community, Service, Charity, Worship
Primary Responsibilities Include:
Section 8. Worship Team
Purpose: Facilitate genuine, meaningful, and interactive worship services that serve to magnify and glorify God.
Team Composition: The team is comprised of a group of no less than three church members in good standing and who are responsible for coordinating the weekly worship services of the church. The Worship Minister will serve as Team Leader and functions as the primary advisor to the team. The Pastor or Worship Pastor/Minister may appoint team members who in their discretion have demonstrated a passion for worship ministry.
Core Value(s): Worship, Community, Service
Primary Responsibilities include:
Section 9. Fellowship Team
Purpose: To facilitate Church wide fellowship activities among the members and the community.
Team Composition: The team is comprised of no less than three church members in good standing, responsible for the coordination of church sponsored fellowship and social activities. The Senior Pastor and Outreach Team Leader shall serve as Ex-Officio Members of the team. The team shall elect a chairman and recording secretary on an annual basis. The Pastor may appoint team members who, in his discretion, have demonstrated a passion for church fellowship.
Core Value(s): Community, Growth, Service
Primary Responsibilities Include:
Section 10. Personnel Team
Purpose: To provide accountability, oversight, and administration of church personnel matters
Team Composition: Nominated by the Nominating Team and confirmed by majority vote of the church, the Personnel Team is comprised of a group of no less than three, but no more than five, church members in good standing responsible for the faithful administration, oversight, and accountability of ministerial and non-ministerial personnel. The Pastor, the Church Administrator, and the Chairman of Elders shall serve as primary advisors and will be Ex-Officio Members of the Personnel Team. The Team will elect a Chairman and Secretary on an annual basis.
Length of Service: Team members will be elected to fill staggered three year terms.
Core Value(s): Worship, Growth, Service, Charity
Primary Responsibilities Include:
Article IV – Church Meetings
Section 1. Worship Services – The church shall meet regularly each Sunday morning and Wednesday evening for preaching, instruction, evangelism, coaching, mission planning, and for the worship of almighty God. These meetings will be open to everyone and shall be conducted under the direction of the Pastor. Exceptions can be made by recommendation of the Vision Team or Elders.
Section 2. Special Services – All church meetings which are essential to the promotion of the objectives of the church shall be placed on the church calendar, published in the church newsletter at least once prior to the meeting being held and announced at all services on the Sunday prior to the special service being held.
Section 3. Regular Business Meetings – Regular business meetings shall be held quarterly on the second Wednesday night of the month. Matters of significant nature must be publicized as in Section 4.
Section 4. Special Business Meetings – A specially called business meeting may be held to consider matters of significant nature. Notice of the subject, date, time, and location must be published in the church newsletter or bulletin for the specially called business meeting at least one week before the meeting and announced at all services on the Sunday prior to the special business meeting.
Section 5. Quorum – A quorum consists of members who attend the business meeting, provided it is a regular meeting or one that has been properly called.
Section 6. Parliamentary Rules – The current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall provide general guidelines for parliamentary rules of procedure for all business meetings of the church in areas not addressed by this Constitution and Bylaws.
Article V – Ordinances
Section 1. Adoption of Annual Budget and Expenditures
Within three months prior to the beginning of the fiscal year, the Church shall adopt an annual budget of expenditures for the ensuing fiscal year. This budget must reserve 50% of all undesignated funds to missions’ and ministry efforts. In other words, CPCC may never exceed 50% of its total budget for general operations and administrative cost.
Section 2. Unbudgeted Expenditures
Any undertaking that requires the expenditure of money not provided for in the Budget of Expenditures shall first be referred to the Administrative Ministry Team for consideration and recommendation. Should expenditure be approved by the Administrative Ministry Team it must then be set before the Elders or Vision/Leader Team should Elders not yet have been appointed, for their approval or disapproval regarding further discussion or submission to the church for a vote yes or no. Should the Elders approve the expense then it shall move forward, with requirement as set forth by Section 3.
Section 3. Expenditure Limitations (for outreach & ministry purposes)
The Administrative Ministry Team shall have the authority to make expenditures of up to $2,500.00 and with the approval of the Elders or the Vision/Leadership team should Elders not yet have been appointed, up to $50,000.00. Expenditures in excess of these amounts shall be referred to the Church for final action. Should at some point such allotment exceed $100,000.00 over two separate expenditure actions, all further expenditures must then be referred to the church in business session for final action and approval. Further explanation: There is a $100,000.00 cap on expenditures with the approval of only the Administrative and Elder Teams annually, any and all expenses beyond that must have approval of the Church, by majority vote.
Section 4. Purchase Requisitions
All purchases made by the Church shall be requested in writing and approved by the Pastor, Church Administrator, or Administrative Team Chairman (after having gathered a consensus from other team members). Purchases in excess of $500.00 shall be made from the lowest acceptable bidder following the acceptance of two or more bids. These bids must be submitted in writing or printed and presented with the accepted bid. A purchase/expense order is required for all expenses over $500.00 signed by one of the Church officers noted above in this section.
Section 5. Disbursement of Funds
All payments shall be by check bearing at least two authorized signatures for all expenses or payments over $500.00. So as to avoid speculation and repute the signatures shall not be by two people of the same household who may serve in such capacity so as to allow them to sign. This requirement does not apply for the purchase of minor or routine supplies, or previously approved expenditures.
Section 6. Authorization for Disbursement of Funds
The following are authorized to sign checks on the church accounts of funds: Chairman of the Administrative Team, Church Treasurer, Church Administrator, Senior Pastor, or Chairman of the Trustees.
Article VII – Ministerial and Non-Ministerial Staff
Those employed by the Church other than the Senior/Lead Pastor shall include both Ministerial Staff Members and Non-ministerial Staff Members.
Section 1. Ministerial Staff Members
Ministerial Staff Members may include the following and any others that may, from time to time, be employed by the Church as needs arise: Pastoral Care Pastor, Administrative Pastor, minister of Worship, Minister of Children, Minister of Youth, Minister of Missions, Minister of Administration, Minister of Adult Education and Discipleship.
Ministerial Staff Members shall be recommended to the Elders or the Vision/Leadership Team should Elders not yet be in place, by the Pastor in consultation with other Pastoral Staff and approved by the Church in conference. Ministerial Staff Members shall be called and employed upon recommendation of the Nominating Team by recommendation of the Vision/Leadership Team and upon approval of the Church in conference, consistent with appropriate budgetary considerations. The primary responsibility of such staff member shall be to serve under the leadership of the pastor to enhance the spiritual life of the Church. Conditions of employment, duties, and responsibilities of each Ministerial Staff Member shall be those agreed upon by the Pastor and the Personnel Team, with appropriate input from the applicable Staff Member, and shall be generally outlined in a job description provided to each Ministerial Staff Member or prospective Ministerial Staff Member.
Initial and appropriate future changes to job descriptions shall be proposed by the Pastor and personnel Team, and approved by the Leadership/Vision Team. Such Ministerial Staff Member job descriptions, and any other job descriptions, shall be maintained by the personnel Team as an Appendix to the personnel policies and Procedures Manual of the Church.
A Ministerial Staff Member may be dismissed by the joint approval of the Pastor and the Personnel Team. However, the Staff Member may appeal dismissal decisions to the Vision/Leadership Team. The Chairman of the Vision/Leadership Team shall refer the matter to the Personnel Team to consider the appeal and to report back to the Vision/Leadership Team and to the Pastor. A final appeal may be made to the congregation if the employee waives confidentiality.
Section 2. Non-Ministerial Staff Members
The Non-Ministerial Staff Members shall consist of an adequate number of secretarial, music, food services, education, custodial, and other appropriate personnel to sufficiently and expediently support the Pastor, and Ministerial Staff Members, and church operation. The Personnel Team shall determine the number of such support personnel needed, as well as their compensation, within budgetary guidelines. The Minister of Administration shall supervise the Non-Ministerial Staff Members.
Section 3. Personnel Policies and Procedures
The personnel policies and procedures of ChristPoint Community, will be developed by year end 2012
Article IX – License to Preach
Any member who may, in the judgment of the Church, give evidence of his piety, zeal, and fitness to teach, that he is called of God to the work of the ministry, may be licensed to preach the Gospel, provided three-fourths of the members present at any regular Church meeting agree thereto and they have been a member in good standing of the church for at least one year, unless otherwise voted on for consideration in a previous Church Conference.
Article X – Adoption of Amendments
Section 1. Adoption
This Constitution and these Bylaws, if and when adopted, shall supersede all previous Constitutions and ByLaws. This Constitution and these Bylaws may be amended or changed if two-thirds of the members present and voting at the Church Conference to which the amendments or changes are proposed for adoption shall vote in favor of adoption of them; provided, however, that the proposed amendments or changes shall have been presented in writing at a previous Church Conference at least fourteen (14) days prior to the Church Conference at which the vote for approval is taken.
Section 2. Amendments and Record Retention
A copy of this Constitution and these Bylaws shall at all times be kept with the records of the Church Clerk and in the office of the Church, and any amendment to or revisions thereof shall, after passage, be prepared in typewritten form by the Clerk, including the date of adoption, and attached to the copies of the Constitution and Bylaws so kept. This also is to apply to any resolution passed for the permanent or temporary government of the Church.
Section 3. Distribution of Copies
Upon Request, the members of the Church shall be furnished copies of this Constitution and Bylaws.
Section 4. History of Changes
Date Adopted: Description of Change
This Constitution and these Bylaws, adopted at its regular Church Conference.
Amended: March 4th 2015 - Article II, Section 1, D. - Prior recording, " Conducting weddings and funerals of members and their immediate families." Revision, " Conducting weddings and funerals of members and their immediate families. At no point shall any ordained minister of this body have approval of this congregation "ChristPoint Community Church" or its leadership, to perform a same-sex wedding ceremony or any marriage contract which is outside the biblical model of marriage. We understand marriage to be as God ordained it Himself, between one human man and one human woman after the order of His creation.
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